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Spring 2025 Registration


Please have all paperwork and payment ($50 annual membership fee and

$25 production fee deposit) submitted online before PCR (Thursday, January 9, 2025).

Payment must be received in order to be cast in the show.

Important Information:


  • PCR (Pre-Casting Rehearsal) will be held on Thursday, January 9, 2025, along with a mandatory parent meeting. Each family must have a parent or guardian present for the meeting.  PCR should be considered a Pre-Audition.  Come prepared to participate fully in the activities provided by our Production Team. Wear close-toed shoes and clothing that does not restrict movement as you will be doing some dancing. Clothing must cover the midriff and all undergarments at all times.  These fun activities will give the Production Team a chance to get to know you prior to the audition.

  • Auditions will be held Saturday, January 11, 2025.  Please prepare 60 seconds of a song with backing (karaoke) tracks. These can be found online. You will need to bring your music with you to auditions on a phone or tablet. 

  • Once all auditions are complete, members needed for callbacks will be notified individually.

  • Callbacks will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2025, in the evening. 

  • First rehearsal is Tuesday, January 21, 2025 from 6 pm - 8:30 pm

  • Rehearsal schedule will be as follows:
    Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 pm -8:30 pm and Saturdays from 9 am-12 pm.
     â€‹Rehearsals may be added or extended as we get closer to the performance

  • Tech week will start on Monday, May 12th and lasts through Wednesday, May 14th.  Shows will be held Thursday, May 15th through Saturday, May 17th (NO conflicts will be accepted the week before tech week nor during tech week or show dates.) 

  • General information about AIM can be found here.

  • Some FAQ's and audition tips can be found here

​Cost Information:

  • Each family is required to pay an annual membership fee of $50 when registering.  Our fiscal year runs July 1st-June 30th, so all annual memberships expire on June 30th.

  • Production fees are $175 (a deposit of $25 must be paid when registering, the balance due before 1st rehearsal) We do offer sibling discounts. The first child is full price, and additional children are $25 off (Balance can be paid online in our store, or by check or card in person)

  • Costume fee $50 per child (Pay online in our store, or by check)

  • A $25 script deposit will be collected and held then returned upon receipt of the script at end of show (Check or cash at first rehearsal)​

  • There are a limited number of scholarships available.  Please email to inquire.


Volunteer Information

  • We are a non-profit organization, which means that everything we do (except our main production team) is based on our family volunteers. It is how we are able to provide children with an exceptional theater experience at a minimal cost. Each family is required to provide at least thirty (30) volunteer hours during our rehearsal period leading up to the shows and one volunteer to work during two of the four shows. Volunteers can consist of parents, extended family members, neighbors or friends.  Families have an option to 'buy out' their volunteer hours at a rate of $15/hr. if they are unable to or otherwise would prefer not to volunteer for their 30 hours and $45 per show night ($90). Total 'buy out' option is $540.00


Sponsorships & Fundraising

  • All families are required to participate in our fundraising and sponsorship efforts. To this end, each family is responsible for bringing in at least one (1) $250 sponsorship as well as to participate in each shows fundraising efforts by bringing in the minimum fundraising share (usually around $400 - depending on cast size and show budget). 



​Once you register, be on the lookout for a detailed email regarding auditions and AIM in general from


Register Here​

​Any balances owed will be invoiced the first week of rehearsals.



13921 7th Street, Dade City, FL 33525
P.O. Box 762, Dade City, FL 33526

Tel: 352-834-1AIM (1246)

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